Similar to Dynamics NAV, E-Commerce B2B uses Item No. as the primary identifier of the product.
Item No. is included in product listings, it is treated as Article No. in product detail view, and primarily shown on product lines in Shopping Cart or the previous orders when using the History section. Customers can also use Quick Ordering functionality in E-Commerce to quickly input orders by keying in Item No. in Quick Order lines.
The Description field is used for identifying the item in a human-readable form. It is used throughout the system and typically printed on all customer-facing sales documents. Depending on the products you are selling, you may include the main characteristics of the product within the description, all with the purpose of enabling people, having read the Description, to quickly identify the product among the assortment or your products.
E-Commerce uses item Description along with No. generally everywhere the item is displayed, including product list, product detail view, shopping cart and order lines, as well as other locations.
The Description on the item card is assumed to be written in the “base” language (you specify the “base” language for your data when setting up E-Commerce B2B for NAV). Item descriptions in another languages are entered using the standard Item Translations page available from the Item card.
Please note that standard Dynamics NAV also includes “Description 2” field, which is not included on the Item card by default, but may be easily enabled by your partner. E-Commerce will not by default append the contents of Description 2 to Description, as this is the standard behavior of Dynamics NAV sales printouts, which also allows you to maintain an internal-use description for the item.
The Base Unit of Measure is a mandatory field in Dynamics NAV indicating the unit of measure (pieces, boxes, meters, kilos etc.) that is used within the Inventory records - Item Ledger Entries - and it is used as the base unit for costing purposes.
Similarly, E-Commerce uses the field for all the underlying calculations related to pricing and ordering. All quantities in E-Commerce are presented in Base Unit of Measure, and the unit itself is displayed on the Item detail view.
Units of measure is a frequent area of E-Commerce customization, as there are various scenarios how the product units are used in business transactions, and what the underlying implementation in Dynamics NAV is. A common scenario is limiting item sales to some larger unit (e.g. base = Pieces, selling in Boxes only). You may also sell both Pieces and Boxes, and depending on your business scenario, you may want to present Pieces and Boxes either as a single product or two different ones. Given the variety of uses, the unit of measure system is very simple in E-Commerce standard implementation (everything in Base unit only), yet there are full customization options to fit your business use.
The Inventory field reflects your current “posted” stock level for the Item in Dynamics NAV. It is calculated based on posted item transactions in Dynamics NAV.
E-Commerce B2B tracks the Inventory field and, together with Qty. on Sales Order, it is used to calculate the “available” inventory level that is displayed to your e-Commerce customers.
The standard calculation of the “available” inventory within E-Commerce B2B is:
Inventory Available = Inventory - Qty. on Sales Order
While setting up E-Commerce B2B, you can specify Location codes for inventory calculation. Having done so ensures that only the stock level at the particular locations is used for e-commerce inventory calculation.
The formula itself is easily customizable to also include other factors (similar fields on the Item card) depending on your scenario and NAV configuration, e.g. it can also add expected receipts from pending purchase orders, scheduled manufacturing output, or inbound/outbound transfers.
The Qty. on Sales Order reflects your current “reserved” stock level for the Item in Dynamics NAV. It is calculated based on current Sales Orders not yet shipped. Not to be confused with Reservations functionality in Dynamics NAV, this field is sometimes treated as the “reserved” inventory.
E-Commerce B2B tracks the Qty. on Sales Order field and, together with Inventory, it is used to calculate the “available” inventory level that is displayed to your e-Commerce customers.
The meaning of Blocked checkmark within Dynamics NAV is to prevent any transaction for the item to be created or posted.
E-Commerce respects the Blocked field in a manner that overrides the “Web Item” checkmark. When Blocked is checked, the item will not be displayed or otherwise orderable on E-Commerce (except previously processed orders).
In order to display the item on E-Commerce you must ensure Blocked is not checked, and Web Item is checked on the item card.
The Unit Price is the most basic form of sales price entry for the item. It presents the selling price of one piece (base unit of measure) of the item in local currency. It is used whenever there are no suitable “contract prices” available for the transaction (item being sold to specific customer at specific date, quantity etc.).
The Unit Price field is part of Dynamics NAV pricing system, which is supported by E-Commerce B2B. Please refer to Pricing and Discounts section for more details.
Please note that standard Dynamics NAV also includes fields “Price Includes VAT” and “VAT Bus. Posting Group (Price)” that are not shown on the item card by default, but can be easily enabled by your partner for scenarios where you base your pricing on the prices with VAT included. Should these fields be also available, E-Commerce B2B supports them as well.
The VAT Prod. Posting Group is part of VAT setup within Dynamics NAV, and indicates how the VAT should be calculated for the item, e.g. - standard VAT rate, reduced VAT rate etc.
E-Commerce B2B uses the field in the same way Dynamics NAV does, that is - combined with VAT Bus. Posting Group on the Customer card and the global VAT Posting Setup it determines the VAT rate and settings that must be applied when selling the particular item to the particular customer, e.g. standard rate for domestic transactions, reverse charge VAT for intra-EU transactions etc.
The Allow Invoice Disc. field is part of Dynamics NAV pricing system, which is supported by E-Commerce B2B.
Please refer to Pricing and Discounts section for more details.
The Item Disc. Group field is part of Dynamics NAV pricing system, which is supported by E-Commerce B2B.
Please refer to Pricing and Discounts section for more details.
The Web Item checkmark is the master switch that enables you to display the particular item on
When the checkmark is placed, assuming the item is not Blocked and it is assigned at least one Web Category, it is displayed and sellable online.
Removing the checkmark removes the item from E-Commerce site - it is neither visible or otherwise orderable. However, if the item was sold on E-Commerce previously, the previous orders in the History section of E-Commerce will still display the item in the order lines to retain the order integrity.
In order to place the item in a certain catalog category within your e-commerce solution, you select the appropriate Web Category in this field.
To place an item in a single category, you type in the category code or use the lookup (down arrow) function next to the field to select the category from your Web Category structure.
To place an item in multiple categories, you use the Assist Edit function (three dots) next to the field to open the list of Web Categories that the item will be placed in. You can add one or more (the number is not limited) Web Categories to the list, and the particular item will be included in all the categories listed.
You use Manufacturer Code to indicate the manufacturer or brand name of the product.
Manufacturer Code is in fact a standard Dynamics NAV field that is not included on the Item card by default. It is however of good use in e-commerce scenarios. Having Manufacturer Code set allows your customers to filter products by manufacturers or brands, and it is also used by the standard “Shop by Manufacturer” quick list on the main catalog page of E-Commerce B2B.
The Special Offer checkmark indicates that the product is a sale or promotional item.
Items having this checkmark set are visually highlighted in E-Commerce website and get sorting priority over the items that do not have this checkmark set. Placing a checkmark in this field does not have any impact on pricing and discounts, which should be configured as per Dynamics NAV standard functionality, and is merely a visual clue or reccomendation for your customers.
Indicates whether you have added an image to the item.
If there is an image, the field will display Yes, and clicking on the field will open the image for viewing in the default image viewing application set up on your computer.
If there is no image, the field will display No, and clicking on the field will open the standard dialog allowing you to select an image file from your computer and add it to the product.
Additionally, you can use the New, Change and Delete functions available under the Web Image action group in the Navigate section on the Item card to manage the product image.
Please note that the image functionality for E-Commerce is different from the item Picture functionality included in standard Dynamics NAV, which allows you to have one image for internal use (standard Picture), and another one that will be used on the web.
Indicates the Feature Set that is assigned to the Item.
Assigning an Item to a certain Feature Set instructs the system that the Item may have assigned the Features listed for the particular Feature Set.
Please refer to Item Feature System section for more information on how the product features/attributes are implemented in E-Commerce.