====== Install E-Commerce B2B Add-on - Traditional ====== The traditional Add-on installation method described here must be used when installing E-Commerce for Dynamics NAV versions 2015 and below. While it is preferred to install E-Commerce B2B Add-on [[admin:installation_guide:nav_2016_extension|as an Extension]] when using Dynamics NAV 2016 and above, sometimes it makes sense to carry out the traditional installation for the latest versions anyway. While the Extension method provides more flexibility and automation with future upgrades, it may limit your customization options, e.g. you cannot develop reports based on E-Commerce Extension tables, or modify Extension tables via the Object Designer. The method desribed is only available for Dynamics NAV reselling partners, and you must use your development license that includes access to E-Commerce B2B objects. Your development license will include the access to module objects once you enter the partnership agreement with Select Solutions. The traditional add-on installation involves the following procedure, which will normally be performed in the development / testing environment, and moved into production once completed and tested. \\ **Step 1 - Acquire the Add-on objects** Upon licensing E-Commerce B2B, Select Solutions will deliver you the product package, and the package will include the following NAV object files: ECM-AddOn.fob ECM-MenuSuite.txt ECM-ModifiedStd.txt The package will also include the file with the list of the standard Dynamics NAV objects modified: ModifiedStd-List.txt Related topics: * [[admin:installation_guide:modified_objects|List of modified standard NAV objects]] \\ **Step 2 - Import the Add-on objects** Start **Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment**, and open the respective database using **File / Database / Open...** Open the **Object Designer** located in the **Tools** menu. Click **File / Import...** and select the **ECM-AddOn.fob** that you downloaded. The objects will import without any conflict warnings, as all the objects in **ECM-AddOn.fob** are using Add-on reserved range numbers specific to Select Solutions E-Commerce B2B. \\ **Step 3 - Import the MenuSuite** MenuSuite objects for various Add-ons in Dynamics NAV share the common MenuSuite object number range, which is 1051 through 1059. As you may already have another Add-on solutions present in your Dynamics NAV database, you must choose an available number from this range for E-Commerce B2B. Click **MenuSuite** in the Object Designer to view the MenuSuite objects currently present in your database. The **ECM-MenuSuite.txt** includes the MenuSuite object for E-Commerce B2B, and uses ID **1057**. If 1057 is available and not used by any other MenuSuite objects, you do not need to modify the **ECM-MenuSuite.txt** file. If, on the other hand, there is already another MenuSuite object with ID 1057, you must open the **ECM-MenuSuite.txt** using a text editor, e.g. Notepad, and change the object number (located on the first line of the file) to a currently unused number 1051 through 1059. Next, click **File / Import...** and select the **ECM-MenuSuite.txt**. The file will import without any messages, which is the standard behavior for text file imports. \\ **Step 4 - Merge the modified standard objects** While kept at the minimum, E-Commerce B2B also needs some standard Dynamics NAV objects modified. In order to install the modifications necessary for E-Commerce B2B, you must manually compare and merge the application objects included in the **ECM-ModifiedStd.txt** file with the exact same objects from your Dynamics NAV database. While you may already have experience and tools in place to carry out such merging procedures, the following method is reccomended. Open the **ModifiedStd-List.txt** file to view the list of the objects you need to merge. In Object Designer, **Mark** the objects listed in the **ModifiedStd-List.txt**. Click **View / Marked Only**, then click **All** for the object types. Select all the objects, click **File / Export...**, choose **Text File (.txt)** as the file format, and save your objects as **Standard.txt** in the same folder where **ECM-ModifiedStd.txt** resides. Using a compare / merge tool, e.g. the [[http://winmerge.org/|free WinMerge tool]], do a side-by-side comparison of **Standard.txt** and **ECM-ModifiedStd.txt**. Copy any field / page amendments from **ECM-ModifiedStd.txt** into **Standard.txt**, and save the result as **Standard-Merged.txt** when done. Note: Be sure to also merge the object Version field, so that the merged objects carry the ECMB2Bx.xx identifier. Note: Save a copy of original Standard.txt for reference, as you may need the original objects in case you decide to later uninstall E-Commerce B2B. Tip: If the compare tool reveals a multitude of differences because of additional translations in your database and the easy spotting of changes is thus complicated, you can work around the issue by first exporting the language modules of the objects and deleting the additional languages (other than ENU), and importing the language modules back after the merged objects have been imported to Dynamics NAV. Next, click **File / Import...** and select the **Standard-Merged.txt**. The file will import without any messages, which is the standard behavior for text file imports. \\ **Step 5 - Compile and finalize** As the final step, you must compile all the objects that have been imported in the previous steps. In Object Designer, filter the objects by ***ECM*** version tag, select all the objects and click **Tools / Compile**. There should be no compile errors if the merge has been successfully performed. At this point, you have successfully installed E-Commerce B2B Add-on module.